Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Greater Nashua YMCA Sprint Triathlon (2014)

Loved this

LAST YEAR TWO YEARS AGO I participated in the local sprint triathlon (yes, I neglected my blog for a year TWO YEARS). It was actually held in my home town, four miles from my house at the YMCA camp on Naticook Lake... I couldn't say no!

I was in the 5th wave, which made me a little nervous being so early but it worked out really well because I never felt like I was really behind.

Final Time: 1:24:06
Age Group: 10/19
Female: 85/180
All: 230/392

I'm the arm with the white watch

The Swim (.3 mile): 13:17
Transition 1: 5:20

Toe Cramp!

That foot is mine! I jumped in the water and my toes immediately cramped. I mentioned it and someone suggested slapping my foot. Evan just got a perfectly timed picture.

The swim was fun. Growing up with a pool I've always loved swimming. I never swam competitively but I've always considered myself a strong swimmer. I had to do the breast stroke for a little bit and tread water a few times. It was a small race with very small swim waves so I never got overwhelmed on the swim. I did freak out a little when some pond weeds got my foot. I'd like to think I am not a sissy, but for some reason I can't help but worry about snapping turtles. I know they probably made themselves scarce after the first four waves but I just kept thinking about when I was a kid and the local nature center brought in a HUGE snapping turtle to school and demonstrated all the things it could snap in half.

The Bike (9.6 miles): 34:43
Transition 2: 1:34

The bike was fun but hot. Due to construction (which is completed finally) they had to shorten the bike route. I was passed quite a bit on the bike. It's not exactly my strong suit. Unfortunately because I am finishing this recap up two years later, the details of the race are quite fuzzy.

The Run (3.1 miles): 29:10

Hot. Hot, hot, hot. There was not a lot of shade on the run course (or the bike for that matter). I felt like I was a turtle. I did end up passing a few people who had passed me earlier on the bike. Right at the end I saw Mrs. Purple and I told her not to let me beat her. It was so fun to sprint with someone to the finish! She had it by a hair!

I did it!
Total: 1:24:06
Div(30-34): 10/19

Final Thoughts:

For my first tri I couldn't be more pleased. I was expecting a 20 minute swim, 45 minute bike, and a 30 minute run. Initially I was not happy with my first transition time of 5:20 from swim to bike but then I remembered it was actually quite a bit of a run from the water to my bike on the rack, so that was definitely the issue.

I will definitely be participating in this triathlon again next year! Nope, I was training for Big Sur and it just didn't happen. Next year! And perhaps then I will have some more legit tri gear. I looked very lumpy for this race. (I HAVE that legit tri gear thanks to the Husband! I also have a better bike.)

And now because it's been two frigging years since I participated in this. I am posting it as is!

I AM doing this race next year... I'd sign up now if I could!
