Schroon Lake |
I woke up feeling fine, not exactly refreshed, but fine. I did not feel nervous, which I thought was weird. I don't think that it really sunk in that I was finally running a full marathon until I was at the start line.
We left the inn at 7:10, plenty of time to stop and get a bite to eat for breakfast. We found a Stewart's and I was impressed! They had all sorts of breakfast stuff! I grabbed a sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwich, because that is what I always eat. I meant to bring a bagel and peanut butter but I forgot. I only managed a few bites but I knew if I went off with nothing but my Huma Energy Gels I would regret it later.
We got to the town of Schroon with about an hour of time to spare, it was very easy to pick up my bib and shirt. The shirt was... interesting. The small was too baggy but I think the extra small will be too small. Oh well. I don't run races for the shirts.
We met up with my parents and friends and my wonderful sister made me the most amazing sign! We had time for a few quick pictures, good luck wishes, and then it was time to go!
Go Me! |
I lined up next to the 4:30 pace group. My intentions were to start slower than them but keep them in my sights and catch up slowly after the first few miles. That did not happen. I started with them and stayed with them for half of the race. I felt great running with them, I really thought I could keep that up for the entire race. (Dun, dun, duuuun!)
I spent the first few miles getting to know the pacers and others aiming for 4:30. In retrospect I talked to much. The pacers were pretty amazing, one lady who was pacing this race as a training run had eight children. EIGHT. I find thatinsane incredible.
The course heads north out of Schroon Lake and across a creek before coming back down to the east shore. It was absolutely beautiful but extremely hilly. I felt good going up all but the very last big one around mile 12. I told the pacer I needed to slow down for the hill but I'd see them at the bottom. I tried but I was never able to catch back up. I am pretty proud I stayed strong for that long, but I ended up burning out after. I used the bathroom (the only time I had to for the entire race) and then it was like a switch and I couldn't keep up the pace. I started alternating walking .1 miles running .9.
All along the route there were groups of people scattered either sitting and cheer us as we went by or doing some kind of performance. I loved the drums set up twice around the course - I think they were the same people, I was completely mystified as to how they got to the other side of the lake. One woman made me feel kind of awkward. I can't remember what she called herself but she was "dancing" back and forth in the road with wind chimes singing a song I can't quite remember. But it was funny and it gave me a boost.
I kept my run walk strategy up until I made it to the Word of Life Bible Camp. I was already hurting quite a bit at that point so that combined with the incredibly supportive counselors that were out jumping, singing, and cheering the runners on put me pretty close to crying. Even though I wasn't feeling great, I think this is my favorite part of the marathon. The only thing I regret is that I did not even see the giant cross shaped climbing wall that I heard so much about. There is apparently a small Jesus statue on top and I joked that if I had enough energy I would sprint over, climb up and give the tiny Jesus a little boop on the head.
I spent the first few miles getting to know the pacers and others aiming for 4:30. In retrospect I talked to much. The pacers were pretty amazing, one lady who was pacing this race as a training run had eight children. EIGHT. I find that
The course heads north out of Schroon Lake and across a creek before coming back down to the east shore. It was absolutely beautiful but extremely hilly. I felt good going up all but the very last big one around mile 12. I told the pacer I needed to slow down for the hill but I'd see them at the bottom. I tried but I was never able to catch back up. I am pretty proud I stayed strong for that long, but I ended up burning out after. I used the bathroom (the only time I had to for the entire race) and then it was like a switch and I couldn't keep up the pace. I started alternating walking .1 miles running .9.
All along the route there were groups of people scattered either sitting and cheer us as we went by or doing some kind of performance. I loved the drums set up twice around the course - I think they were the same people, I was completely mystified as to how they got to the other side of the lake. One woman made me feel kind of awkward. I can't remember what she called herself but she was "dancing" back and forth in the road with wind chimes singing a song I can't quite remember. But it was funny and it gave me a boost.
I kept my run walk strategy up until I made it to the Word of Life Bible Camp. I was already hurting quite a bit at that point so that combined with the incredibly supportive counselors that were out jumping, singing, and cheering the runners on put me pretty close to crying. Even though I wasn't feeling great, I think this is my favorite part of the marathon. The only thing I regret is that I did not even see the giant cross shaped climbing wall that I heard so much about. There is apparently a small Jesus statue on top and I joked that if I had enough energy I would sprint over, climb up and give the tiny Jesus a little boop on the head.
Partway through the camp I ended up catching up to another runner who was also walking at that point and I asked if I could join her. Her name was Francine and this was also her first marathon. As we were heading out of the camp I found a sprinkler and completely soaked myself. I realized after that that was a pretty bad idea when I was wearing a white shirt but the relief I felt made it so worth it.
At first we tried to run as much as we could and just walk when we needed it but that pretty quickly became walk up hills and on flats and just run down any hills. We were both hurting and wondering why we picked such a difficult marathon as our firsts.
As we were nearing mile 20 we ended up seeing an early bird marathoner who was on his 49th state! He didn't seem to be in the best of moods but he kept on moving. I think that is so inspirational and I hope one day to be on my way through the 50 states.
It was also around mile 20 that we met a guy, Tim, who was walk/running it in same as us. He asked if he could stick with us, which was great! The more the merrier! This was Tim's 5th marathon and it was also his birthday! Very awesome. If I had had the energy I would have sung Happy Birthday to him but I was struggling to just put one foot in front of the other and breathe at the same time.
We walked a LOT in the miles 20 through 25 but we chatted and it went by fairly quick. Ok, no it didn't it dragged, I was not happy. The course was in full sun at that point and I couldn't take in water fast enough. I was taking a water and a Gatorade at every aid station and filled up my water bottle multiple times. I'll admit I was getting a little concerned about dehydration.
Eventually we caught sight of the 25 mile marker. That gave me some energy. I was almost done! It was a little after that that I saw my mom. I was a little out of it and actually had trouble recognizing her. She was cheering for me and I was just like...Mom? Oh, MOM! I ran over and gave her a quick (yucky) hug and introduced her to my running-mates. She took my picture and ran with us a bit.
Now that we were so close we decided we could run the rest of the way in. Tim had said he couldn't run anymore but I told him there was no way we were not all running in together. Right at the last turn another friend was waiting for me and once again I had trouble recognizing her. I was pretty out of it. However, now we could see the finish! We picked up the pace and I saw Evan and my sister and made some AWESOME faces for the camera.
Almost there! |
Woo! |
This was a whoop of joy, not pain, I swear!
I did it! I completed my first marathon. I got a little emotional, but no crying. I congratulated Francine and Tim and we traded contact info. I then went off to find my family. Husband found me first and took some pictures and gave me a hug. I found the rest of the group in some shade and immediately plopped down. Since I had been guzzling water the entire run and still didn't have to use the ladies room, I got a little worried and drank a bunch more water. I completely skipped the food and beer tent and opted to have some of the snacks that my support team had brought with them.
I eventually got up and we went down to the lake so I could soak my feet. It felt amazing! The only problem that it was down a huge hill and I seriously doubted that I could make it. In the picture below I had a death grip on Husband's hand and I was putting all the weight I could on it.
Don't let go! |
After the race I caught myself wondering if I hadn't met up with Francine, what would have happened. I'd like to think that I would have kept up the .9/.1 strategy and possibly come in closer to my goal time... However I truly think I might have quit if I was still going it solo from miles 20-25. Having people out there with me that I could talk to saved me. In the last few miles I hurt so badly, I just wanted to lay down on the side of the road and have someone scoop me up. I am so grateful that I met Francine and Tim out there. I hope they feel the same!
And now I just have to leave you all with my favorite picture from the entire event.