Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A List!

*Update: I have created a page dedicated to my to-do list! Check it out here.

It's always good to start fresh with a list right?? Haha, who am I kidding? Evan, being the sweetheart that he is got me this blog a couple of years ago and I've managed to write a whopping 5 posts! Most dealing with Zoë.

Now I swear I am a changed woman! I am going to faithfully record my daily doings in this wonderful blog.

Actually, what got me going on this recent blog revamp is that I am completely obsessed with home improvement blogs. Obsessed doesn't even sum it up. A few of my absolute favorites are:

Yep, I read those babies every day. I've even gotten so desperate that I have gone back into their archives and started from post numero uno. They are insanely inspiring though.

Oh where was I! Oh! A List!!! A list will make everything better! I have decided to make a list of fun DIY projects that I could do around the house to bring a little life to the place...and keep me from going absolutely insane while we save up to buy a house. This will also be good practice for once we get said house and I start working on this little D.I.Y. home improvement blog in earnest! Anywho! On to the list!

  • Learn how to use Evans camera. (Canon EOS 60D) This is probably on EVERY first time bloggers to-do list.

  • Remember to take pictures of my projects with said camera...

  • Buy a house. (I am ready...but Evan is not on board yet and this makes me sad.)

  • Reupholster the dining room chairs with a fun fabric. (Tan microfiber is so out...and I hate that it leaves impressions of your butt!)

  • Find a chair at a consignment shop or yard sale and reupholster it to use as an office chair.

  • Create and frame a silhouette of our sweet little Zoë.

  • Find and paint a desk to use in the office.

  • Move the guest bed to the larger room.

  • Create a unique side table for the guest bedroom.

  • Clean off the shelf in our closet. (This is really a task for Evan since it is all of his stuff.)

  • Make the skirt I found on (By the way, if you haven't discovered this site yet check it out! It is AMAZING and where I get 99% of my D.I.Y. ideas!)

Well there it is! I am sure this list will grow and I will absolutely love crossing things off the list.

Oh...and because every blog post is better with a picture... Here is a picture of Zoë.

[caption id="attachment_314" align="alignnone" width="224" caption="Right before the pounce!"][/caption]

Right after I took this picture she pounced on me.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to re-visit some of these links when I have lightening-fast internet (2 days!)...When Evan was a toddler I had a good friend with a daughter the same age..ask Evan if he remembers Becky.. one day I called her to ask how she was doing and she said she was "listing"..and I knew exactly what she meant. When you are that sleep-deprived you have to make a list for everything!!

